It’s no secret that warmer weather leads to lighter clothing choices and, for many of us, a renewed focus on losing weight. But have you ever wondered why shedding excess pounds seems easier in the summer?

It turns out there’s a science behind it. Several studies have shown that warmer temperatures can lead to increased metabolism and improved insulin sensitivity, both of which are critical for weight loss.

Here, we’ll explain why summer is such a popular weight loss season and offer tips on how to make the most of it to reach your goals.

Warmer weather leads to increased metabolism

When it’s hot out, your body has to work harder to maintain its core temperature. That means you’re burning more calories just by sitting in the heat.

The increased metabolism can lead to weight loss, especially if you pair it with other weight-loss strategies like eating a healthy diet and exercising.

Improved insulin sensitivity

In the summer seasons, the body’s insulin sensitivity improves. This is due to the increased levels of vitamin D (which are caused by exposure to sunlight). Vitamin D helps the body utilize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins more efficiently. It means that your body is better able to metabolize these nutrients and use them for energy rather than storing them as fat.

There is a process called “lipolysis,” and it’s the key to weight loss since it allows your body to burn fat for fuel instead of carbs. Allowing your body to burn fat for fuel is important because it helps to reduce your overall body fat percentage.

There are more opportunities to be active outdoors.

With the summer season comes more opportunities to be active outdoors. The warmer weather and longer days make it easier to fit in a workout or go for a walk or run outside. And, when you’re exercising outdoors, you tend to burn more calories than if you were working out indoors.

In addition, there are more variables at play when you’re exercising outdoors, like wind resistance and uneven terrain. These factors make your body work harder, leading to more calorie burn.

So, if you want to lose weight this summer, step outside and start enjoying your favourite sunny day activities. You can also use the warmer weather to your advantage by eating lighter meals and staying hydrated. And, don’t forget to enjoy the season!

Better sleep quality

Given that the days are longer in the summer, you’re likely to get more sunlight exposure. And this increased exposure to sunlight during the day can lead to better sleep quality at night.

This is because sunlight helps to regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle (or circadian rhythm). When your circadian rhythm is off, it can make falling and staying asleep difficult. But, when you’re getting enough sunlight exposure during the day, it can help to keep your circadian rhythm on track, leading to better sleep.

Being well-rested is crucial for your overall health, and it plays a big role in supporting your weight loss goals. When you’re getting sufficient sleep, you’re more likely to stay active and maintain good eating habits.

Increased water intake

During the summer, you’re more likely to be outside and active. And, when you’re active, you tend to sweat more. This increased sweating can lead to dehydration if you’re not careful to up your water intake.

Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, and even dizziness. It can also make it difficult to lose weight as your body holds onto water when it’s dehydrated in an effort to conserve resources.

All this means that making sure you’re drinking enough water during the summer months is essential, both for weight loss and your overall health. Given that the weather is hotter, you might find yourself naturally reaching for more water than usual. This is a good thing!

Final thoughts

If you’re looking for a sustainable health solution, visit Calgary Integrative Medicine. They offer various services to help you reach your health goals, including weight loss. Contact them today to learn more!